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It’s Their World

We just live in it. Might I just point out that when a political party openly admits to routinely using derision and ridicule, when they repeatedly insult, demean and deride their political opponents, and particularly when they hold the nation hostage for months with hearings and debates about semen stains, fellatio and cigar dildos for political purposes, they have given up any claim to “dignity and respect?” They wanted to play hardball. Now we play hardball.

Just as an illustration, take a look at the “insider’s poll” (pdf) by National Journal in which members of congress are polled for their opinions. This one is about setting a timetable for Iraq withdrawal. Unsurprisingly, all Republicans in the poll were against it and so were the vast majority of Democrats. Where the difference lies is in the anonymous commentary. Quite a few of the Republicans talk like thugs. Here are a couple of examples of the kind of thing that the republican “insiders” say:

“Setting a timetable would be irresponsible. No wonder the dems are pushing it.”

“Even the Democrats know this is a dumb idea. They are just so politically opportunistic that they are willing to put their short-term partisan interest ahead of the long-term national interest. Timetables merely reinforce the enemy’s belief that America’s political elite lacks the will to win a protracted struggle against a determined and vicious enemy.”

“The constant barrage of anti-Americanism by our own politicians is unconscionable and serves to aid the enemy. We are at war, not setting a convenient schedule for self-serving political purposes.”

The Democrats do not naturally engage in this ad hominem and do not constantly question the patriotism, motives or loyalty of the administration when they criticize the war.

These are not ralk radio show hosts saying this crap. These are members of the House and Senate. This, apparently, is just how they think. So, please spare me any calls for “respect.” The Republican Party gave that up a long time ago when they decided to send people who think and act like teen-age gangbangers to Washington.

Update: Of course it’s helpful to remember that many of these officials’ constituents are people who sport “Liberal Hunting Licenses” on the back of their pick-ups. Remember to laugh at stuff like this or you’ll be accused of not having a sense of humor. If you can get out a chuckle with a boot stepping on your throat, that is.


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