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Liberals Filing Lawsuits For Therapy and Understanding

This chaps my hide:

Q Scott, just again on Karl’s remarks last night, when he talked about the indictments, was he simply reflecting the sentiments of the President, who, as we know, in many, many speeches, perhaps in jest, talked about referring to the terrorists as saying maybe they thought after 9/11, we would just file a lawsuit?

MR. McCLELLAN: The war on terrorism brought us, to our shores — let me back up, because the President — this was talked about at length over the course of the last four years, Ed.


And I think all Karl was talking about last night was the different approaches to how you go about winning the war on terrorism. So, you know, some can try to make more out of it than they should, but he was simply talking about the different approaches.

Q So when the President many times in the past actually has evoked laughter from his audiences when he talked about they thought we’d just filing a lawsuit, was he saying that in jest or not?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, Ed. In fact, he was saying it with all seriousness, because if you look back to how things were dealt with prior to 9/11, people knew exactly what he was talking about. When we were attacked previously on our own shores, people were prosecuted.

Of course, it wasn’t exactly “filing a lawsuit.” It was a federal terrorist prosecution. And the perpetrators are locked up for life. We gave them due process and convicted them without any torture at all. There is no question of their guilt, the American people and the entire world have all the facts and we didn’t have to use the constitution as toilet paper to do it. What a failure. We should have picked them up, thrown a bag over their heads, rolled them in their own excrement and put them in a naked pyramid to blow off some steam. Perhaps then 9/11 could have been prevented.

And please don’t tell me that Republicans still think we should have invaded Iraq after the first World Trade Center Bombing. The nutball Myleroie cabal have said for years that Ramsi Yousef, the missing conspirator, is really an Iraqi operative under an assumed identity and Wolfowitz and Perle both blurbed her books about it glowingly. It’s total delusional crap and the fact that these high level Bush officials put their impramatur on it should have been a huge tip-off to the entire world that the Bush administration had some scary freaks in charge of the war machine. Fifty years from now they’ll still be insisting this nonsense is proof of a conspiracy and will probably be saying that martians hijacked the WMD on orders from Barbara Boxer.

As for 9/11, I think it’s just a little bit presumptuous for anyone to blame the criminal trials of the first world trade center bombings for it when the Bush administration didn’t think the August PDB was worth shortening the Pres’s vacation for. There is ample proof that Bush and the Iraq obsessed retreads didn’t give a busted fuck about terrorism until 9/11.

Oh, and by the way, we still don’t have Osama bin Laden even though the head of the CIA says we know where he is. And we can’t get him because it might upset some sensitive relations with “sovereign nations” which is really rich considering that we have put forth a doctrine that says we can invade any sovereign nation we please if we think a “threat is gathering” or “they hate us for our freedom.” It’s called the Bush Doctrine and it pretty much puts to rest any illusions anyone in the world should have about “sovereignty” or international law. Sovereighty and international law is what we say it is.

And can there be any doubt that Al Jazeera is broadcasting Porter Goss’ words all over the arab world and making the US Government look weak and ineffectual?

Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy:

CIA Director Porter Goss says he has an “excellent idea” where Osama bin Laden is hiding, but that the al Qaeda chief will not be caught until weak links in the war on terrorism are strengthened.

In an interview with TIME magazine published Sunday, Goss said part of the difficulty in capturing bin Laden was “sanctuaries in sovereign nations.”

The magazine asked Goss when bin Laden would be captured.

“That is a question that goes far deeper than you know,” he said. “In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we’re probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice.

“We are making very good progress on it. But when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you’re dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play.

Yeah, that Republican “philosophy” on terrorism is very impressive. The mastermind of 9/11 is holed up in a “soverign country” and we know it, but we can’t do anything about it. Meanwhile, we have low-level nobodies down in Guantanamo being forced into excruciating immobile positions for 18 hours a day, sitting in their own urine and feces, being slowly driven mad. This is a very interesting interpretation of international obligation and “fair play.”

Amd of course, we have Iraq — the inexplicable war that nobody really understands, including those who willingly spew happy horseshit about “freedom and democracy” every five minutes — a war that’s costing us our future (to the tune of a billion a week) and the future of America’s kids, for no good goddamned reason.

So, please let’s talk some more about how liberals don’t know how to fight the war on terror. Tell us again how tough the Republicans are and how only they know how to protect the United States because all I’m seeing is fuck-up after fuck-up after fuck-up. In fact, what I’m seeing is the biggest non-stop fuck-up in American history.

But who knows, maybe they stomped their little feet and held their breath til they turned blue and insisted in no uncertain terms that bin Laden be denied “therapy and understanding” in his friendly sovereign haven. That’s what separates the men from the boys, my friends. Therapy.

And, by the way, here’s one of Bush’s quotes about “filing lawsuits” from 2002. Perhaps Democrats ought to arm themselves with this for when the Republicans start trotting out the “file a lawsuit” line:

I can’t imagine what was going through the minds of the killers when they hit America. Oh, they must have thought we were so materialistic and selfish, so self-absorbed that after September the 11th we’d file a lawsuit or two. (Laughter.)

But they found out that we’re thinking a little differently in America, and that when it comes to our freedom we will do what it takes to defend freedom. And I want to remind you all that this is a long struggle that’s going to take a while, that there are al-Qaida killers still on the loose. There are people who hate America, they hate what we stand for, they hate the fact that Democrats and Republicans both love our country equally. They hate the idea that we worship freely. They hate the concept that we debate issues in open. They hate freedom. They just hate it. And they are going to try to hurt us; they are.


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