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Patriot Act Too

Before Monsignor Tim releases his new book (“Big Russ and Me: The Bedwetting Years”) and makes another appearance on his good friend Rush’s radio show to hawk it, maybe somebody ought to send him a couple of these t-shirts his pal is selling before the dittoheads buy out the inventory.

The t-shirts read, “Your Tropical Retreat from the Stress of Jihad,” “I Got My Free Koran and Prayer Rug at G’itmo,” and “My Mullah went to Club G’itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt.”

This is some funny stuff. Especially when the FBI questions you for wearing t-shirts that proclaim you are a terrorist. Read those babies again. Swarthy males probably ought to think twice — there’re some militia types with itchy trigger fingers out there. And we’ve all been warned more than once to watch what we say.

I see a “Law and Order” episode in my future.


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