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For The Record

Yesterday I mentioned the fact that that FoxNews had the incredible chutzpah to discuss openly why nobody is reporting the Downing Street Memo — without actually reporting on the Downing St memo. It turns out that there is a movement afoot to gain some attention for this thing and I think it’s worth doing, if only for history’s sake if nothing else. There should be a record of some Americans’ interest in such a damning document that proves the president of the United States knowingly took the country to war on false pretenses. It may come in handy someday.

Shakespeare’s Sister informs me that theBig Brass Alliance is a collection of bloggers who are supporting a group called After Downing Street that is dedicated to gaining exposure for this issue. One positive thing that anyone can do is sign (along with 88 members of congress) this letter that John Conyers has written to the president requesting some answers to the obvious questions this document raises.

This isn’t some pie-in-the-sky lefty kumbaya petition (not that there’s anything wrong with that.) This memo is smoking gun proof that Bush lied us into war. Many of us knew this from the get. But, I think it’s probably true that most others already know this on some level as well — a fair number are glad he did, a few more don’t care, and the rest just don’t want to confront their own bloodlust or willfull blindness. It’s hard to admit you were wrong about something so deadly.

The rest of us need to keep a clear head and insist that this not be swept under the rug to the extent that we can. We have to keep the idea that there will be some sort of rational accountability for such acts alive in this culture or we are goners.


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