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Gandhi And His Rabble

And the “revisionist historians” proceed apace. Via Ted at Crooked Timber I see that the Highpockets and the boys at Powerline have endorsed the idea that the British should have held out against “Ghandi and his rabble” — to prevent violence, of course, which is why all good white men have to keep the wogs in line, don’t you know. Didn’t the Raj have any purple ink to pacify the little bastards? Dear me.

“It’s great to see someone standing up for colonialism, especially British colonialism. I agree wholeheartedly with this observation, for example:

Had Britain had the courage to face down Gandhi and his rabble a few years longer, the tragedy that was the partititon of India might have been avoided.” (quoting Roger Kimball.)

But really dear boy, while we’re praising British colonialism, let’s not stop there. One can’t help but observe that if they had just held out against Washington and his rabble a few years longer the tragedy of the civil war might have been prevented. Failure of nerve, I’m afraid. Yes, yes, it would have been bloody, but what isn’t, I say? Best to keep the swinish multitudes under one’s thumbs. (Of course, except for the slaves, the Americans were white, weren’t they? Makes a difference; indeed it does.)

Hilzoy at Obsidion Wings offers the substantive response for trolls who require one.


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