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The Incredible Shrinking President

Ezra makes an interesting observation today:

That reminds me: Is anyone else thinking Bush term two looks a lot like Clinton term one? Tough fights on nominations, unpopular cultural battles (gays in the military then, Schiavo now), collapse of primary domestic initiatives (Health Care reform then, privatization now), ethical investigations weakening friendly congressional leaders, and so on. The resemblance is quite close.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been noticing the same thing. Except Bush actually is a lame duck and that means his agenda is toast.

I was struck the other day as he and his cadre of ugly Republican sycophants gathered for the signing of the MBNA Usury Bill that I didn’t see much of him anymore. This after four long years of hearing his fake Texas twang day in and day out like an ear worm. Suddenly, he’s not there all the time.

It’s true that it is reminiscent of Clinton’s first term, but Clinton was always the focus of what was going on, even when they claimed he was shrinking. The press couldn’t get enough of him. Bush, on the other hand, looks lamer and lamer by the day. Now we are headed toward a new version of the government shutdown and Bush isn’t even a player. The action is in the congress and it’s a lot more interesting than listening to him repeat his sub-literate mantras day in and day out. The media isn’t that interested in him any longer.

Clearly, we are going to have to start a new front in the GWOT. It’s the only thing that will save Karl Rove’s legacy.


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