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This, I’m Worried About

Honestly, people are killing their children with diets of disguting food. I recognize their freedom to do this if they want to, but it is a real problem nonetheless. I’d be a lot more sympathetic to their complaints about how difficult it is to raise kids in popular culture if they cared as much about this very serious physical health issue. I’m not a purist in this way. I like a Big Mac and fries now and again myself. And I’m not suggesting that everyone serve tofu and green tea to their toddlers. But from what I see at the grocery store — and the statistics on childhood obestity and diabetes bear this out — childrens’ health is becoming demonstrably compromised by the way they are eating and the sedentary lifestyle they are leading.

And the government could certainly help with this by forcing schools to limit the crap they serve kids at school, requiring physical exercize in the curriculum and instituting a major education initiative to get parents to feed their children correctly. This is a scientifically proveable problem, not some sort of vague unease about teen age sexuality (which, by the way, has had the older generation freaking out for my entire lifetime — it’s just that we are now the older generation.) The costs to society and to individuals of this health crisis, on the other hand, are going to be huge if something isn’t done to reverse this trend.

So, here we a have real, tangible problem for parents and children in desperate need of a solution. But neither party can even go near it because it will be greeted with fury by corporate America and will be perceived my most Americans as an elitist attack on their lifestyle. Instead we’re going to regulate cable TV shows because parents can’t be bothered to figure out how to program their V Chip. How fucked up is that?

Picture Via Tom Moody


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