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Book Meme Redux

So Lindsay has passed me the baton in the Book Meme Game. Here goes:

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be [saved]?

The Complete Works of Shakespeare

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Yes, I have. Indeed, so many that it is a miracle that I was able to find a real live human to marry who could live up to the competition.

The last book you bought is?

“The Master” by Colm Toibin (Major Henry James fan here)

What are you currently reading?

“Happy Days Are Here Again: The 1932 Democratic convention, The Emergence of FDR and how America Was Changed Forever” by Steven Neal

Michel Foucault’s “the Archeology of Knowledge”

“Any Human Heart” by William Boyd

“The Plot Against America” by Philip Roth

(I always read more than one book at a time. Don’t know why.)

Five books you would take to a deserted island?

1. Ulysses
2. Brothers K
3. Wilderness Living and Survival Skills
4. Remembrances of Things Past
5. Atlas Shrugged (I’ll need toilet paper)

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

Julia at Sisyphus Shrugged because she’s obviously very well read

Avedon Carol because she’s got a very lively and eclectic mind

Ezra Klein because he’s in college so he’s probably reading some really good stuff for the first time.


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