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Not Exactly “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”

The indispensible Crooks and Liars made me watch this thing and I’m pretty sure that that I’m now in a persistent vegetative state.
Randall Terry singing a soulful ballad at Terry Schiavo’s memorial service. It is so strange and creepy that I just feel dirty. I think FCC complaints should follow.

Here are the lyrics to what seems to me to be an incestuous love song. I don’t remember any hymns I sang talking about God caressing me and running his hands through my hair, but maybe I’m just out of date:

When I feel the waves crash over me
And my heart is overwhelmed with pain
Help me, find me, seek me, hide me
In the scars you bear
Caress me in your embrace
Run your fingers through my hair
I believe in you

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