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Another Cagey Interview

Thanks to Liberal Avenger we can hear another interview with JimJeff Gannon on WBUR from last week. Here’s what he said about Plame:

Q: We began by asking about the highly classified Plame documents which in the past Gannon boasted about having access to.

G: That’s not something I’m able to discuss.

Q: You discussed it on your web site

G: Let me just say this about this memo that’s being discussed. When I say accessible I am talking about information contained therein.

Q: As you well know, two New York Times reporters are facing jail sentences for not revealing their sources regarding the name Valerie Plame and they didn’t even comment or print anything about this

G: Yes that’s terrible. That’s unfortunate.

Q: Well has anyone from the Plame investigation contacted you?

G: Uh, yes

Q: And?

G: I really can’t speak to that. As a journalist it would be wrong to do that.


Q: Can you understand why some would say you’ve only written for two years, for a Republican backed blog, you’ve had no previous reporting experiences, why were you shown sensitive material regarding CIA material?

G: I can understand how somebody would ask that question but one had nothing to do with the other. I did good work. I pursued a story. I got a great interview with Ambassador Wilson. I should get an award for that.

Listen to the whole interview here.

I continue to be confused as to why Gannon didn’t just say, “I read about it in the Wall Street Journal like everybody else,” if that’s what happened. The question would just go away.


People continue to miss the point so I will spell it out. Yes, it is likely that GG just lifted the WSJ article. That’s what he calls journalism. However, he told people that he got the info from somewhere else and he has continued to be less than forthcoming about it. It is always possible that somebody told him about it AND he lifted the story from the WSJ.

My personal opionion is that he may have lied to the FBI and is afraid to admit that he had no “confidential source.” If that’s the case, Fitzgerald has a reason to squeeze this guy and who knows where that could lead? They are about to send two reporters to jail over this stuff.

But it could just as easily be that he still doesn’t realize what deep shit he’s in and thinks that he may someday work as a “journalist” again so he is afraid to admit that he was full of shit when he was bragging all over Free Republic. He doesn’t seem very bright.

But guys, it doesn’t matter. It’s this kind of thing that keeps this story alive. Connection to the Plame controversy is one of the hooks that the major media have to hang on to. As long as GG behaves in this way, it gives reporters another reason to keep digging. Capiche?



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