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To all the wingnuts who’ve been bombarding me with puerile insults because I allegedly have my head up my keister for saying the JimJeff Gannon Guckert may have been a recipient of pillow talk on the Plame matter, here is why I said it:

GANNON: And the FBI did come to interview me. They were interested in where — how I knew or received a copy of a confidential CIA memo that said that Valerie Plame suggested that Joe Wilson be sent on this mission, something that everybody — they have all vigorously denied but is, in effect, true.

BLITZER: So they didn’t make you go testify before the grand jury?


BLITZER: Do you have to reveal how you got that memo?


BLITZER: They didn’t ask you?

GANNON: Well, the FBI kept asking. I said, well, look, I’m a journalist, I can’t —

BLITZER: You didn’t tell them?

GANNON: Yes. Can’t divulge that. And they accepted that, and I’ve never been asked again.

He’s acting mighty cagey for a guy who just reads the papers, don’t you think? My thought was that his “source” might just be across the pillow. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. The pillow part anyway.

Now, the blabbing of confidential CIA memos to destroy a political enemy is just sleazy.


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