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Speaking of Death Threats…

Well, not exactly a death threat. But an adorable little violent fantasy from one of my conservative fans in the comment section to this post about Ward Churchill.

What unadulterated BS!

The final paragraph contains the usual martyr fantasy. You can always count on that.

Beyond that, this entire essay can be boiled down to: “People who disagree with me are conservatives and therefore evil.”

I suggest shutting down this site. You might want to consider limiting the exposure of your stupidity in public. Nobody’s trying to silence you. Hell, nobody even knows who you are. And they don’t care either. I got here through a third party link. I’ll never come back again. You are a complete fucking idiot.

Jesus, maybe we should start shooting idiots like you just to satisfy your puerile martyrdom fantasies.
Stephen Thomas | Email | 02.10.05 – 3:57 pm | #

I’m not quite sure what this fellow is talking about. I merely noted that the Republican party has been using intimidation tactics for the last 25 years or so.

I guess I was wrong.

Update: Readers have informed me that this person is grieving for his recently deceased beloved wife. He’s obviously in a lot of pain. Let’s all be compassionate liberals and let this one go. It’s not a big deal to me.


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