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A Bold New Plan

May I just make one little observation that seems to have escaped those who believe that Democrats should offer an alternative to the Preznit’s Personal Privatized Individual Retirement Account Security plan? We already are offering an alternative. It’s called Social Security. And we have reams of data about how well it works and how well the experts believe it is going to work in the future.

If the Democrats were as willing as Republicans to present a competing discourse to the public and call it “reality” we would simply take Roosevelts plan with all the added tweaking over the years and present it as our “bold, new” alternative saying that it will cover all retirees AND we will be able to add in death benefits and disability payments too! And you won’t have to do anything but let your employer deduct the same amount its already deducting from your check! This is the step forward we’ve been waiting for! We’ll call it… Super Social Security 2.0.

I think our “alternative” is very marketable. After all, we have 45 million customers right now. Let’s just let them tell the nation how much they like it and propose that everybody should get the same thing. Our new and improved Super Social Security is the innovation everybody’s been waiting for. Order yours today.

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