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Making It Up

Not that it matters, because the spin is firmly emplanted in the public’s mind that the Iraq election turnout was phenomenal, but Editor and Publisher shows that the reports are very likely to have been wildly off the mark. Imagine my surprise.

I’ll be delighted if the turnout figure, when it is officially announced, exceeds the dubious numbers already enshrined by much of the media. But don’t be surprised if it falls a bit short. The point is: Nobody knows, and reporters and pundits should stop acting like they do know when they say, flatly, that 8 million Iraqis voted and that this represents a turnout rate of about 60%.

Carl Bialik, who writes the Numbers Guy column for Wall Street Journal Online, calls this “a great question … how the journalists can know these numbers — when so many of them aren’t able to venture out all over that country.” Speaking to E&P on Wednesday, Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post — one of the few mainstream journalists to raise questions about the turnout percentage — referred to the “fuzzy math” at the heart of it.


“Election officials concede they did not have a reliable baseline on which to calculate turnout,” Kurtz concluded.

He also quoted Democratic strategist Robert Weiner as saying: “It’s an amazing media error, a huge blunder. I’m sure the Bush administration is thrilled by this spin.”

They spun it and the media gladly got spun because it was one of those hallmark card stories that makes Wolf and Kira and Chris just feel so damned good about themselves. Every once in while they need a narrative that allows them to believe that they are part of something gosh darned wonderful.

As I watched the news shows last Sunday, I was struck by the lockstep maudlin sentimentality of the coverage — a sure sign that it is complete bullshit. Apparently, the word went forth that the tone was to be “proud parents” — America herself had just birthed the Iraq democracy in the back of a humvee. The purple thumbs evoked a collective “awwww” as if the Iraqi voters were sheet swaddled newborn babes or a big ole pile ‘o kittens.

One of the most disturbing (and embarrassing) aspects of this entire enterprise is the air of cultural superiority emanating from Americans as we enlighten the primitives, dahling. This coming from a country that produces a president who says things like:

“We’re still being challenged in Iraq and the reason why is a free Iraq will be a major defeat in the cause of freedom.” —George W. Bush, Charlotte, N.C., April 5, 2004

Yeah, we’re very superior people. And we re-elected him too.

Update: Attaturk is on this one too:

Well, the enablers of the so called liberal media have worked their wonders to make sure that they emoted every ounce of the Bush Administration’s ejaculatory load in Iraq…right down to the last little sperm. Judy Miller didn’t even ask for a virtual towel as she got each prescious drop down her vacuum powered 10 amp gullet.


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