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Let Freedom Ring: Second Verse Same As The First

James Wolcott writes

Yesterday on one of the Fox financial shows, James Rogers, author of Investment Biker, commodities guru, and neighbor-down-the-block (an utterly irrelevant detail I thought I’d toss in to make this blog sound more “personal”), was asked by host Neil Cavuto whether the elections in Iraq would be successful. Rogers said, “They’ll be successful because the media will say they’re successful,” adding impishly, “Fox News probably already has the results.”

And I think they got them from CNN. I haven’t seen this much gushing since Asheigh Banfield threw on a little black burka and hitched a camel ride to Kabul.

Clearly, the media loves these trumped up Iraq milestones. They sent Anderson and Campbell over to hang out in the Green Zone and get “the feel” for the place while they patch up their pancake blush and admire each other’s groovy winter desert wear in the bar.

They all agree that there was an excellent turn-out. 72%! (But I hear that Warren Mitofsky may have screwed up the exit polling, so don’t hold your breath. This number is subject to change.) It’s bigger than most people predicted, only rivaled by the phenomenal 98% turn-out for Saddam in the last election thus proving that Iraqis have always been big on voting. You can’t blame them. Abu Ghraib is murder this time of year.

I agree, of course, that democracy is the bestest thing in the whole wide world (except the Bible) and that we have a responsibility to spread it and layer it and smooth it and sprinkle coconut on it it wherever there are people who don’t have it. Nobody argues with that. (Praise democracy. Praise freedom. Praise liberty. Praise God. Praise George W. Bush. Amen. nowletmego.)

The counting is sure to be transparent to all. That’s how we do these things in Murikin democracy. Needless to say, no Iraqi will ever have cause to believe that the vote was rigged in favor of American interests. Why, I’m pretty sure that Lil’ Judy Miller just told Chris Matthews that Ahmad Chalabis “list” looks to be doing very well. She’s quite the reporter. Always has the big scoop. She knows which lists have done well already. Matthews posits that Chalabi ends up as oil minister.

But, whaterver. This is a great day for Americademocracylibertyandfreedom. As Judy just reminded us, the president is on a roll. “He” has just had three free elections — Afghanistan, Palestine and now Iraq. She didn’t mention the US.

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