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I Won’t Be Ignoooored, Charlie

According to Wolf Blitzer, that bastard John Kerry was “really, really nasty” to poor little Junior in last week’s debate which is why he was so “anxious to respond.”

Media Matters reports that Blitzer asked Schieffer what he planned to do if Kerry pulled such a stunt again.

Here’s the really, really nasty debate exchange:

KERRY: Now, I’m going to add 40,000 active-duty forces to the military, and I’m going to make people feel good about being safe in our military, and not overextended, because I’m going to run a foreign policy that actually does what President Reagan did, President Eisenhower did, and others. We’re going to build alliances. We’re not going to go unilaterally. We’re not going to go alone like this president did.

GIBSON: Mr. President, let’s extend for a minute —

BUSH: Let me just — I’ve got to answer this.

GIBSON: Exactly. And with reservists being held on duty —


BUSH: Let me answer what he just said, about around the world.

GIBSON: Well, I want to get into the issue of the back-door draft —

BUSH: You tell Tony Blair we’re going alone. Tell Tony Blair we’re going alone. Tell Silvio Berlusconi we’re going alone. Tell Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland we’re going alone. There are 30 countries there. It denigrates an alliance to say we’re going alone, to discount their sacrifices. You cannot lead an alliance if you say, you know, you’re going alone. And people listen. They’re sacrificing with us.

My goodness, the Cheerleader in Chief is awfully sensitive if he thinks that saying he “went it alone” is “really, really nasty.” This, from John Edwards on The Tonight Show last night ought to send him into a complete tizzy:

“I run, I played a little football when I was in school. And the president, I think, was there at those football games too. He was, I think, on the side, maybe with his pompoms? Can you run fast with those cheerleading outfits on?”

Bada Bing.

As this piece in Rolling Stone pointed out, somebody has a very thin skin and somebody else is fully aware of it.

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