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Losing It

Andrew Sullivan posted a very disturbing letter yesterday which seemed to indicate that the US might be in danger of losing control of Baghdad. If US forces can’t control the Green Zone, then they can’t control anything:

From: “Baghdad, USConsul”

To: “Baghdad, USConsul”

Subject: Warden Message

Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 14:36:13 +0000

Warden Message – Increased Security Awareness within the International Zone

On October 5, 2004, at approximately 1 pm, U.S. Embassy security personnel discovered an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) at the Green Zone Café. A U.S. Military Explosive Ordnance Detachment safely disarmed the IED.

American citizens living or working in the International Zone are strongly encouraged to take the following security precautions:

* Limit non-essential movement within the International Zone, especially at night.

* Travel in groups of two or more.

* Carry several means of communication.

* Avoid the Green Zone Café, the Chinese Restaurants, the Lone Star restaurant and Vendor Alley.

* Conduct physical fitness training within a compound perimeter.

* Notify office personnel or friends of your travel plans in the International Zone.

**** Conduct a thorough search of your vehicle prior to entering it.

Consular Section

US Embassy Baghdad

Today, the insurgents launched an attack on the Sheraton hotel, where the journalists stay, and naturally CNN is obsessing on it. These pictures are not helpful.

The Republicans are going to start howling that the Kerry campaign is gleeful that things are going badly in Iraq as they point out the endless numbers of Bush failures. But, I have news for them. If Bush and Cheney weren’t running on the “you can believe me or you can believe your lying eyes” platform, they would not be so vulnerable on this issue. Their unwillingness to face reality is what’s dragging them down more than the situation itself.

Maybe if Junior took a little more interest in history and a little less interest in believing his own hype, he might just have learned something from a president in his own lifetime — Lyndon Johnson. Sadly for him, he won’t even have a signature issue like the “Voting Rights Act” or the comfort of a landslide election to comfort him in his dotage. He’s a loser in every sense of the word.

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