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Joie Chen on CNN just interviewed Brigadier General David Grange who basically said that John Kerry is causing the insurgency in Iraq because he is criticizing the president and “emboldening” the bad guys. (Poodles Chen and Grange hit all the GOP catch phrases right on cue.) It looks as if their plan is to say that the increased violence is John Kerry’s responsibility in the hopes that Kerry will ratchet down his effective attack.(See Cheney’s remarks of yesterday which he is repeating on the trail today.)

This is just the latest chapter in the classic post 9/11 playbook in which they virtually shut down dissent and paralyzed the country with accusations of 5th columns and treason for speaking out against two-faced Junior Bush. More and more it looks to me as if Rove is simply running a 2002 replay, which depended on keeping the dems off balance on national security and ginning up turnout.

It does not appear that Kerry is going to fall for this line of balderdash and I hope that the red staters in tight contests can resist the urge to fall in line. I think giving in on this is much worse for the Democrat psychologically than aggressively responding. At this point, when Junior forces a member of the opposition to bow to his will it makes them look much weaker than if they are bloodied in the fight.

I’ve noticed that the wingnuts always vociferously deny impugning the patriotism of their rivals even though they constantly do it. So, I’m hoping the Dems run straight at their accusers with this latest nonsense. I suspect this patented fratboy “don’t blame me” strategy is not ringing true with the swing voters. It’s just kool-aid for the faithful in a turn-out street fight.

We Dems have been enjoying a little sip of a nice Cabernet (we don’t drink children’s drinks) ourselves these past few days and it tastes quite good. Give ’em hell John-John.

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