Alcoholics Don’t Drink Fake Beer
Count the glasses on the table. Eight glasses for the G8. Sitting next to Junior is (I think) EU president Romano Prodi. There’s a glass of white wine directly in front of him and another in front of Gerhardt Schroeder. Schroeder has a glass in his hand. Next to Schroeder is Jose Maria Aznar, who would be the owner of the glass in front of Schroeder. Next is Koizumi with an empty beer glass. Putin has the full one. Then at the end of the table are two unknowns with a glass of red wine and what appears to be a coke. I assume that would be Chirac and Blair, but it’s impossible to know. However, one thing is clear. At the end of the table, directly in front of Junior is a brewski.
Here’s a link to a bigger version of the picture.
Now, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but with what we already know about the president’s cocaine use at Camp David, his septum problems in the early 90’s, his bizarre and unexplained falls in which he is unable to keep himself from scraping his face and the common knowledge and now photographic proof that he has been drinking as president, isn’t it time that somebody asked the question?
When it the president going to come clean about his drinking and drug use in the White House?
Correction: The man with the full glass sitting next to Koizumi is Chirac. Which means that Putin is drinking either the red wine or the coke. According to this website, Putin is a teetotaler, so I’m thinking he’s the coke. Of course, Bush is allegedly a teetotaler as well.