What About The Flying Monkeys?
THE MILLER GAMBLE [Jonah Goldberg]
I think the Miller speech was fantastic, as I said. But I do think that if it had been delivered by a Republican it would be seen as a major liability for Bush — largely because the press would but that spin. I think the Bush campaign believes that the counter-spin that Miller’s a Democrat will defuse that sort of thing; “the Republicans weren’t mean. Zell Miller’s a Democrat.”
I think the gamble will pay off. But expect a blizzard of spin from those who want to Buchananify the speech.
The speech made Buchanan sound like the other Jenna. But the problem, Jonah, is that you can pretend that the GOP has some distance from the speech all you want because Miller calls himself a Democrat. But, how are you going to explain the shrill, shrieking freaks in the audience whose eyes were veritably rolling back in their heads in ecstasy every time old Zell let fly. Are they Democrats too?
It’s kind of hard to distance yourself from your own convention delegates, know what I mean?