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Bench Them

With friends like this…

On the heels of Marshall’s post from this morning, via Media Matters I see this exchange between Eleanor Clift and Charles Krauthammer:

KRAUTHAMMER: Of course people remember, as Eleanor [Clift] indicated, that Vietnam was a tragedy. But they have to also to be reminded of what people like John Kerry did at the time of that tragedy, and that is, they betrayed the comrades who they left behind. They betrayed them by telling the world that these soldiers left behind were committing atrocities, as Kerry has said on a daily basis. It was a disgraceful act on his part to indict the soldiers, the veterans whom he had served with, and I think that the people who served with him and who have run the ads have the perfect right to remind people of a true history, a history of what this man had done 30 years ago.

CLIFT: I think these ads have taken a toll, but a greater toll has been the fact that Senator Kerry has been so almost passive in responding. I mean, he [Kerry] should stand up and say, “Look, I served in Vietnam. I have medals. Have you no shame?”


KRAUTHAMMER: The question is, “Have you no shame?” People ought to ask Senator Kerry, “Have you no shame?” To pretend to be a hero of the veterans after how you treated them 30 years ago and disgraced them?

Does everybody see the problem here? No matter how you slice it, Kerry’s either an asshole or a sissy. Are those really the only two possibilities in this scenario, considering that the polls are dead even just as they have been for six frigging months? And who was the favorite to win this election big for the last three years? Hmmm?

Maybe Eleanor “I’ve got conventional wisdom tatooed on my ass” Clift is booked as the “liberal” on the show, but like so many liberals she reflexively call forth the tired and repetitive RNC talking point that Democrats are passive no matter what the actual circumstance. “Well, if there’s one thing we can all agree upon it’s that Democrats are losers. Let’s have lunch.”

She also seems to be laboring under a common and unfortunate illusion that if Kerry just screamed louder — maybe held his breath until he turned blue — that the country would wake up and he’d be heading for a landslide. It would be pretty to think so, but evidence suggests that just calling somebody a liar in a loud voice isn’t very effective.

The game is much more subtle and much more tactical than this “at long last sir have you no shame” fantasy. This is a presidential campaign and unless we want Kerry to turn into Adlai Stevenson Redux, any prosey calls for decency will not be on the menu. And there are also smarter and more effective ways to fight than flailing in all directions screaming your head off.

Kerry has done just fine so far, (although I think his weakness is his press operation and they’re bringing in an All Star to remedy that — Joe Lockhart.) But, this overwrought reaction (without evidence, I might add) on the part of the liberal pundits is really unappealing and counterproductive to our cause. I can see why people don’t want to identify with us if this is who they have to associate themselves with. What a bunch of nervous nellies. No wonder half the country thinks we’re too soft to handle national security. Liberal pundits are the first to agree with the Republicans that we are “passive” and “refuse to fight” even though it isn’t true.

I suppose they don’t want anyone to think they aren’t being fair and balanced. And as we all know, being fair and balanced means agreeing with Republican talking points. Frankly, I wish they’d just shut up. We’d do better without them. Right now we need some strong, faithbased, political loyalty to show the country that we are behind our guy, not second guess him to death. It’s hurting the ballclub.

Update: August 19, 2004:

Thirty years ago, official Navy reports documented my service in Vietnam and awarded me the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. Thirty years ago, this was the plain truth. It still is. And I still carry the shrapnel in my leg from a wound in Vietnam…

Of course, the President keeps telling people he would never question my service to our country. Instead, he watches as a Republican-funded attack group does just that. Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: “Bring it on.”

Is that macho enough for Eleanor or should Kerry have whipped it out and peed all over the stage to mark his territory?

Clift made her comment on August 30th. As Sommerby says, these people are simply unprepared. It’s so much easier to simply spout the conventional wisdom you heard at a party last night, but it’s not journalism or even punditry to continuously spread RNC propaganda rather than than do your homework and figure out what is really going on.

Thanks to commenter Here’s Kitty for the reminder.

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