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Codpiece Convention

Via Catch, I see that in case there’s any doubt about the “Triumph of the Will” narrative that’s building in Madison Square Garden this week, Kate O’Beirne is there to gushingly spell it all out for us:

Tonight’s Message: Republicans fight back. Democrats light candles. It is so striking that the Democrats’ Boston tribute to 9/11 was a remembrance of helpless victims who lost their lives that day. Those gutsy women reminded us of the stakes in this election by seeing a call to arms as the fitting tribute to their loved ones. Such a stirring reminder of the selfless heroes who walk among us would be an impossible display for the modern Democratic party.

Will it be effective? Who knows? I might point out that the last time old Kate got all moist like this was when Bush strapped on his codpiece and strutted around like Jim Dandy on that aircraft carrier. That one didn’t work out so well and this might not either. Republicans seem to think that America wants to see itself as a warrior nation kicking ass and taking names. There is absolutely nothing in our history to suggest this. We don’t see ourselves as a corps of chest thumping soldiers looking for a fight. We see ourselves as individualist cowboys, fighting only as a last resort. Both myths assume that America will prevail but they are very different images. These modern GOPers can’t seem to resist stepping over that line, though, and it might backfire on them again. The cultlike devotion to the warrior chief is vaguely … unamerican.

However, I imagine that the America Uber Alles theme is going to continue and probably get worse over the next few days. Last night featured, after all, the gay-loving, pro-death sissy wing of the party. By the time Cheney comes on, I’m expecting precision marches up and down the aisle to the tune of “We Are The Champions.”

I’m especially looking forward to hearing my own Austrian Governor give his speech. Why do I have a feeling that this Republican message is going to sound so much more compelling in his voice than any of the others?

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