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Clean And Sober

Shhh. Don’t tell anybody, but apparently they weren’t serving kool-aid at Andrew Sullivan’s vacation spot this last month and he’s come back to work detoxed and rehabbed.

If you read all of his posts for today, you’ll see that he has had an epiphany on a range of issues surrounding George W. Bush and the ascendent fundamentalist wing in the GOP and he is saying some things that moderate Republicans might just listen to. Perhaps it just that Bush finally went too far with the FMA, but I think it’s more than that. I think he’s speaking for a number of Republicans who have awakened from their trauma after 9/11 and are seeing that their leader is a fraud. I don’t know if any of them will vote for Kerry, but I think there’s a chance that at least some of them will find that they “forgot” to vote this fall. To non Limbaugh cultists of all political stripes who have been paying attention, Bush’s leadership is alarmingly bad. So bad that even one who was previously dazzled by Bush’s warrior image have realized that he’s incompetent. Sullivan says:

Waging war requires both determination and effectiveness. Bush has a lot more of the former than the latter. And, if we want to avoid more Abu Ghraibs, that counts.

Well, that’s if you think we should avoid “catastrophic success” such as that which has unfolded in Iraq. It appears that Sullivan agrees. Regardless of his past political errors, he’s a wonderfully talented writer and as far as I’m concerned if he’s belatedly realized that the GOP is in the hands of incompetents and radical fundamentalist extremists, it’s better late than never. He’s one of the right’s sharpest tacks and they will have lost a valuable commodity if he finally rejects them. His posts today on everything from Rumsfeld to the Swift Boat Liars aren’t going to get him any love at the RNC, I can tell you that.

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