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Drop A Dime On LuLu

Can Michele Malkin be any more stupid? I don’t actually think it’s possible:

Blogger Rusty Shackleford highlights American hackers who took down a website apparently owned and operated by Abu al Zarqawi.

Rusty comments:

The CIA/FBI are making a major mistake allowing these sites to be kept up. The reason? This is war. In a war you take away propaganda outlets from the enemy. Yes, they may help us track down al Qaeda elements, but that is just the point. Tracking down and arresting al Qaeda is a police function. Treating the War on Terror as a police matter is Clintonesque and is what got us 9/11. We need to shut all these sites down. They are valuable tools for the enemy…

He adds that the hackers, who identified themselves as “TeaMz UsA,” missed a page on Zarqawi’s site:

Unfortunately the crew at ‘TeaMz UsA’ missed a page. I have the URL and am more than glad to share it with any hacker who thinks they can take down the page. Just e-mail me anonymously at mypetjawa-at-yahoo-dot-com. Calling all hackers with a little free time this Sunday afternoon…

Yeah. I want to trust Malkin and the 101st keyboarders to take charge of counter terrorism.

I don’t suppose it occurred to any of these morons that the CIA and the FBI may have had a reason for leaving these web sites up and running? I think they might expect a little visit. Malkin should get one too. You are supposed to report terrorist activities to the authorities, not take the law in your own hands. In fact, it’s a crime and a big one.

Via Catch

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