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Update 8/21:

The cache has now updated to today. Here’s a link to the screen capture of the August 19 page. Thousands of others have archived it as well. In fact, I’m reliably told that Olberman showed it on his show this evening. As Cokie Roberts memorably said “It’s out there.”

Nothing To See Here

I wonder if its appropriate for Ken Cordier, a member of the Veterans For Bush-Cheney ’04 steering committee to appear in the new “unaffiliated” “independent” 527 Swift Boat Liars For Bush ad?

Of course you will only see his name if you google the cached version (linked above) of the page on the Bush-Cheney web site. Oddly, the current page doesn’t list his name.

Now I’m certain this fine gentleman who has chosen to sell out his good name and reputation by joining a filthy smear operaton like Scumbag Liars For Bush would never coordinate with the campaign just because he also served as one of the Vice-Chairs Of Veterans For Bush-Cheney National Coalition in the 2000 camapign (pdf) and then was named to Bush’s VA-POW advisory committee.

But some might think it doesn’t look quite kosher. In fact, some might think it looks downright illegal.


The campaign is already on to this and has sent out the following press release. What they didn’t have, however, was this Google cache which shows that Cordier was listed as a member of the Bush-Cheney campaign until August 19th. (And, by the way, in case it’s escaped anyone’s notice, Mr Cordier has a Frenchman in the woodpile.)

Public records reveal that two of the people in the new “Swift Boat Veterans for Bush” television ad are Republican activists, as the fact sheet below shows. This is just more proof that Bush’s Republican allies are the ones behind this disgraceful smear of John Kerry’s military record. It’s pretty clear what’s going on here. It’s no wonder the Bush campaign refuses to condemn this smear.


PARTISAN: Another Texas Republican Donor






Republican Party of Dallas County






RNC/Repub National State Elections Cmte






Hutchison, Kay Bailey







PARTISAN: “Despised” LBJ

“The procession ended just before the 1968 presidential election when the United States stopped its bombing campaign. ‘I remember that was the worst day of my life’ because the POWs’ treatment worsened and they felt forgotten by their government, Col. Cordier said. He “despised” Lyndon Johnson for his war policies.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/10/03]

PARTISAN: Bush Administration Ties

He is a member of a Bush administration advisory panel on veterans’ issues.

[“VA Announces Membership of POW Advisory Committee,” PR Newswire, 4/17/02;

PARTISAN: Open About His Conservative Political Views

“Col. Cordier (pronounced core-dee-AY) still wears his conservatism on his sleeve and doesn’t hold back in his appraisals of more liberal approaches “[Dallas Morning News, 11/10/03]

JUDGEMENT: Defending Abu Gharib Abuses?

” Inappropriate remarks: Last month, a lone bagpiper marched to the tune of “Amazing Grace” as silence fell over the distinguished guests, choir, color guard and the veterans and families who came to dedicate the Irving Veteran’s Memorial Park honoring those who gave “the last full measure of devotion” to their nation. Unfortunately, one of the invested guests, retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier, a decorated former Vietnam POW and experienced speaker, chose to politicize this solemn event. In an attempt at levity, he defended the pulling of ladies’ panties over the faces of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. interrogators at Abu Ghraib as preferable to beheading. His inappropriate, Limbaughistic comments detracted from the reverence and purpose of this event. Richard A. Widener, Irving” [THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, 6/13/04]

JUDGEMENT: Said Fellow POW Was “A Traitor”

Talking about POWs who were released early: “According to Cordier, Low ‘is a traitor to the other prisoners of war” for accepting premature release on July 18, 1968.’” [Air Force Times, 11/3/03]

INCONSISTENCY: Doesn’t Remember Kerry Being Invoked In Vietnam

“Cordier, now living in Texas, doesn’t recall Kerry’s name specifically being used in interrogations, propaganda broadcasts by Hanoi Hannah (Radio Vietnam) or during “attitude checks” — political indoctrination sessions — since Kerry was then not a household name. But he said he does remember the North Vietnamese using the so-called Winter Soldier investigations and photographs of war veterans, both real and imposters, throwing military medals over the White House fence.” [UPI, 8/3/04]

PARTISAN: Questioned Normalization Under Clinton And Wished Bush Would Win

“Said he questioned the president’s motives and the appropriateness of the visit at this time. He predicts that the next administration, which he presumes will be headed by Texas Gov. George W. Bush, will engage more in “carrot and stick diplomacy” with the Vietnamese government, offering “generous rewards” for concessions” [Dallas Morning News, 11/19/00]


JUDGEMENT: Wanted To Ban Draft Dodgers From Public Colleges

“A House of Delegates committee yesterday killed a bill sponsored by Del. Warren E. Barry (R-Fairfax) that would have directed Virginia’s state colleges not to admit any young man who failed to register for the draft. Barry appeared before the Education Committee along with a former Navy flier, Paul Galanti of Richmond, who had spent seven years as a North Vietnamese prisoner of war, but the panel nonetheless killed his idea for the second year in a row, this time by a vote of 12 to 8.” [Washington Post, 2/5/83]

JUDGEMENT: Called Conservative Christians “Sheep”

“They probably called their little followers. They vote on that one issue. They call them sheep. That’s exactly what they are.” -Paul Galanti, McCain’s Virginia campaign co-chairman, on the backlash by Virginia’s conservative Christian voters after McCain’s attacks Monday on the Rev. Jerry Falwell and Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson. AP, 2/29/00

JUDGEMENT: Insulting Disabled Vets?

“Life has a way of throwing curve balls and John [Hager] got beaned by one when he acquired polio as an adult and lost the use of his legs. He would have been forgiven for tossing in the towel, drifting over to the VA hospital and spending the rest of his life feeling sorry for himself.” [Richmond Times Dispatch, 6/2/01]

JUDGEMENT: On Critics Of The Vietnam War: “Communist Sympathizers”

“It caused me to question anything I hear from Communists or their many sympathizers or copycats or dupes in America who tended then – and still tend – to distort the truth for their personal gain, or even (gasp) to lie if that will achieve the desired end.” [Richmond Times Dispatch, 6/17/01]

PARTISAN: Carter-Basher

“I had a great final three years in the Navy despite the devastation Carter’s policies had wrought on the military. My last Navy year was under one of the finest-ever Commanders-in-Chief, who led the country out of Jimmy Carter’s unlamented and self-caused “malaise.”” [Richmond Times Dispatch, 6/17/01]

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