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Another One Down (and one more)

Via Pacific Views:

A Clackamas County prosecutor and decorated Vietnam veteran who appears in an ad attacking Democratic presidential contender John F. Kerry’s war record said he did not witness the events in question and is relying on the accounts of his friends who served with the senator.

The 60-second ad, which aired for seven days this month in Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin, features 13 Vietnam veterans, including Alfred French, 58, a senior deputy district attorney in Clackamas County.

In the ad, French says: “I served with John Kerry. . . . He is lying about his record.”


French, in an interview Thursday, said Kerry lied about the circumstances that led to one of his Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. Kerry received a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts commanding a Swift boat in Vietnam.

French said he is relying on the accounts of three other veterans who were friends of his at the time. A fourth veteran with whom French was acquainted corroborated their accounts.

“I was not a witness to these events but my friends were,” said French, who was awarded two Bronze Stars during the war. “I believe these people. These are people I served with.”

One of the men is Larry Thurlow, a leader of the veterans group and one of Kerry’s most vocal critics. Thurlow, who served alongside Kerry, has disputed Kerry’s claim that the senator’s boat was under fire in March 1969 when he pulled Lt. Jim Rassmann out of the water.

But according to Thurlow’s military records, obtained this week by The Washington Post, the five-boat flotilla was under enemy fire that day.

French — relying on friends’ accounts — said Rassmann would have been picked up by another boat if Kerry had not helped. And French said any shots that were fired came from U.S. soldiers providing cover as Rassmann and two others were rescued.

“It’s not like he wouldn’t have been saved if Kerry had not been there,” French said. “I don’t believe they were under any fire when that happened. None of the other boats were damaged.”

He said Rassmann’s rescue did not merit a special honor.

“Somebody fell off your boat and you go back and pick him up,” French said. “It’s not worthy of a Bronze Star in my opinion.”

Rassmann, who lives in Florence and is campaigning for Kerry, said the ad is motivated in part by some veterans’ anger over Kerry’s antiwar stance upon returning home — a charge French acknowledges. Rassmann said the group’s claims are completely false.

“To come back 35 years later and conjure up fabricated stories is the lowest form of politics,” said Rassmann, who said he does not know French.

“I honor these guys for their service,” Rassmann said. “I know they were very courageous, along with John Kerry, and it saddens me that they are all at one another’s throats.”

French, a registered Republican, said he was reluctant at first to take part in the ad but ultimately “decided it was something I needed to do.”

French said his one-year tour of duty in Vietnam overlapped Kerry’s by two months. He said they served together in the same unit in January and February 1969. He said he did not know Kerry well during that time.

This scumbag not only lied about “serving” with John Kerry, he wasn’t even anywhere around and is just repeating his friends lies.

And, I’m hoping that somebody is working hard to verify where that asshole William Schachte really was on the day he claimed he was on Kerry’s skimmer and nobody on the boat remembers him being there. It’s probable that we’ll later find out that he was actually on R&R in Bangkok on that day but he later heard from a friend of a friend who channeled a Vietnamese fisherman that Kerry cynically launched a grenade in his skivvies so he could run for president in 30 years.

This has now entered the realm of the absurd. These guys have thrown themselves into the sewer for that petulant little cheerleader. Jesus.

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