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Zig Zag

First, Susie reminds me that it’s the mighty Clenis’s birthday — so happy birthday to the Big Dog. You’re looking better every day.

She also alerted me to the fact that Zell Miller is going to nominate Bush at the convention.

Isn’t this gilding the lily just a little bit? I’m not sure that those elusive swing voters are going to be all that impressed with a guy who is openly and obviously stabbing his own party in the back with singular relish. It’s not the way stand up guys behave. You quit your party before you go this far.

I think they just overplayed the “Zell” card, but it depends on how the media play it. I’m fairly sure they’ll present it some sort of metaphor for the deep discontent within the Democratic party and the “loss” of the south. Demo talking heads had better be prepared with some zippy zingers about good ole Zig Zag Zell.

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