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Snark Attack

Readers, I think today might be a good day to write some e-mails.

LiberalOasis drew my attention to an impending bitchfest in the media over Kerry’s “sensitive” comment and maybe we should try to nip it in the bud this time.

This is an RNC special of the “Al Gore invented the internet” style. Jim Nicholson probably phoned it in himself. It’s the exact kind of high school kewl kid humor that sends the mediawhores into fits of laughter as they repeat it ad nauseum.

As I wrote earlier this week, Karen Tumulty in Time magazine illustrated how the word “french” has turned into a Republican code word for faggot, and how this “sensitive” talking point is being used to show Kerry’s essential “frenchness” not only by Dick Cheney, but by the press itself. It’s about to go hurtling out of control and the nasty little bitches of the press corps are the ones who are making it happen.

Liberal Oasis:

ABC’s The Note, surely speaking for the entire snarky political press corps called Kerry’s statement:

…the silliest thing John Kerry has said about national security since his “I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it” classic.

No doubt that gave the green light for the rest of the press corps to paint Kerry the loser in this skirmish.

Remember, all of these skirmishes, from swift boat liars to “sensitive” to “flipflopping” are being done to paint John kerry as an effete pussy in contrast to the horse fearing, Pet Goat reading, cheerleader.

I don’t know if it is possible to shame the little tarts by showing them that they are being Dick Cheney’s bitches, but it’s worth a try. Read LO’s compendium of Bush admnistration officials saying the word “sensitive” in relatin to the WOT and then perhaps send an e-mail to a couple of journalists to let them know you know that this is an RNC talking point — perhaps they didn’t realize this and that they should use caution in helping the RNC spin Kerry just because they think this is funny, yada yada yada.

It’s worth a try.

Update: You’ve got to read Charles Pierce on this.

Oh, and do send along a link to this fabulous web site. Talk about French!

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