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I just wanted to share with you another example of the media unquestioningly adopting bitchy, Republican snark to the detriment of…well, everyone.

Here’s Karen Tumulty in Time:

Bush strategists dismiss those gains by Kerry as a postconvention blip and predict they will soon be erased by what voters see of the Democratic Senator now that he is back in the fray. The real Kerry, they snickered, is the one who asserted last week that he could fight “a more sensitive war on terror” — a statement that couldn’t have sounded more dainty if he had uttered it in French.”

Sentient people know that Kerry wasn’t calling for an encounter session with Mullah Omar. But, nonetheless, I’m sure that there are many stupid people who believe that the word sensitive translates into sissy. Waddaya gonna do? I don’t condemn Tumulty for relaying the GOP operative’s quote. It’s real and it is one of their talking points. However, most people do not know that the quote is taken out of context and readers would have benefitted from knowing that. Perhaps an editor trimmed it for space. Fine. Shitty journalism, but no surprise.

Here’s where she really goes in the tank. She follows with her own words “a statement that couln’t have been more dainty if he had uttered it in French.” Those exact words could have been written by Tom DeLay. She has just issued a copyrighted GOP bumper sticker in her own voice.

Although it would come as a hell of a surprise to Napoleon, Voltaire and Balzac, the french language is now synonymous with “dainty” and to be “French” now means coward in Republican circles. The press finds this simply hilarious. But, lets not kid ourselves. The “french” appellation is merely a new word for “faggot” and everybody knows it. And that’s exactly what Karl Rove wants people to think about John Kerry. In fact, they are planning their convention around this theme.

There is no amount of political correctness in the world that can stop bigots from creating insider code words to descibe the untermenschen they collectively loathe. And the modern Republicans have an especially sophomoric approach to this that seems to appeal mightily to the media. Maybe it’s the “band trip” quality of the campaign trail, but the press seems unable to resist adopting the snarky high school level barbs that the republicans are so good at dishing out. It’s all part of the right’s “derisive humor” technique, something that is completely obvious to anyone who is paying attention and which they readily admit to using. (See every Bob Sommerby post on the 2000 election.)

So, Karen Tumulty thinks the “french” thing is just adorable. She probably got a little case of the giggles when she wrote it and that’s just great for her. But, she is peddling GOP propaganda and everytime she and her snotty little cohorts do this they inject the body politic with toxic Republican bigotry.

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