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John Kerry For President!

I think he absolutely nailed it. If you didn’t know John Kerry before tonight, the impression you got was of a tough, fighting Democrat who is taking the battle right to George W. Bush. He pulled no punches and he gave no quarter. And I think he tapped into something that people of all political persuasion are experiencing — the deeply felt need to feel a sense of pride in this country again.

And it sure sounded to me like he told everybody to play nice all week so that he could go for the jugular. This is the fighting spirit that people saw in Iowa and New Hampshire and I think the entire country saw it tonight. I loved it and I think Kerry’s got exactly the right idea of how to run this campaign.

The bad news is that the total assholes of the media gave him exactly 5 seconds before they brought in the GOP shills to trash him — Scarborough on MSNBC and Ed Gillespie on CNN. And Woodruff and Greenfield just blatantly started waving GOP talking points pointing out the shocking and disturbing fact that Kerry didn’t give a detailed run down of his senate career. They didn’t even try to hide it. Scum.

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