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I’m a big fan of Wes Clark and I greatly enjoyed his speech. And it appeared on C-Span that the delegates liked him too. He will be part of the Kerry administration I have little doubt. His message tonight was simply that Democrats are patriots too, and we won’t let anybody say otherwise. He made the case that Kerry is a leader and a fighter. I think that’s effective politics. (In fact, he seemed to have channeled almost the exact words I wrote earlier in the day, weirdly. I guess I’ve always been on that guy’s wavelength.)

Naturally, CNN navel gazed through it and didn’t show it, but MSNBC did — followed by some good initial reviews by the whores until they realized that they were being much too easy on him and they remembered the script called for him to be called half crazy and uninformed. Luckily, they could move quickly to Sharpton and discuss whether the campaign was mad at him for last night’s speech and then rip him to shreds. (Whew. That was close.)

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