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Compassionate Conservatism

If anyone wonders if the “Republicans don’t give a shit about Homeland Security” line is political cant, Kevin at Catch notices that the right is now openly trashing firefighters and police now. Interesting tactic. He quotes the ever irrelevant Michelle Malkin:

First Responder Fetishists. In her convention remarks on Monday night, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton said the first homeland security priority in response to the 9/11 report was the “need to fully equip and train . . . our first responders in the event of a terrorist attack.” Eager to suck up to men and women in uniform, John Kerry has proposed adding 100,000 first responders to the ranks of firefighters and emergency medical personnel nationwide. As I have said before, there is no question that our brave firefighters, cops and emergency personnel need increased training and support — but dialing 911 is not the solution to stopping another 9/11.

Lucianne’s drunken mistake says:

And while I’m at it, I cannot stand this talk about funding “first-responders” as a defense against terrorism. Obviously, there’s good reason to have an adequate infrastructure and all that. But it’s not a defense in the war on terrorism. To me it’s like telling your kid to defend himself from bullies on the way to school by giving him extra bandaids to carry with him.

They’re right, of course. Funding first responders is not a defense against terrorism. It’s a defense against thousands of people dying unnecessarily in a terrorist attack.

To hell with that pussified nonsense. The more people who die in a big blue city terrorist attack the better. Dead bodies make good GOP politics. I think they’ve proven that.

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