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Thank You Jesus

The great Neal Pollack is blogging the convention. Well sort of. He’s across the state line somewhere holed up in a motel. But, he’s got the stories and he’s got the feel and he’s got the inside track.

This, my friends, is convention blogging at its best:

Greetings From BAHS-TON

Boston. City of Light. The Big Easy. Hog Butcher to the World. At last, then, it’s come to this. I suppose you could say, technically, that I’m not in Boston. Or in Massachusetts, for that matter. The Democratic National Committee, which, I want to interject, has been nothing but accommodating toward my fellow bloggers and me, couldn’t get me a hotel room closer than Connecticut. But I’m staying right on the state line, close enough to smell the Democratic process, and my credentials allow me to cross into the Granite State whenever I want. So what are my thoughts on the convention thus far? Pretty minimal. My laminates instruct that I’m only supposed to watch the first 15 minutes of every televised hour on MSNBC. But I can say that I’m very impressed by Barack Obama, the senatorial candidate from Illinois. For many years now, I’ve been saying to myself that the Democrats need a strong black leader who isn’t really black. Obama strikes me as our Colin Powell, without the military record or the history of lying to the United Nations. Hang on. I’m getting an Instant Message from a friend of mine blogging live from the convention floor. Max Cleland just wheeled by! Incredible. [10:52 a.m. ET, July 26, 2004]

There’s more. He saw Wonkette, too. And he’s asking the big questions, like why in the world isn’t Michael Moore getting more attention?

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