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Who’s Out Of The Mainstream?

So, USA Today hires the woman who wrote that Tim Mcveigh should have blown up the New York Times building and they are surprised that she pens a column calling the Democrats the Spawn of Satan Party. Her usual home, Human Events prints USA Today’s explanation:

In response to questions on whether the paper was surprised by what they got from the conservative author, considering her well known penchant for speaking her mind pointedly and often with sarcasm and wit, Gallagher said, “Yes. We just didn’t think it would be that difficult [to finalize].”

He said the staff of USA Today was familiar with Coulter’s writings; however, he did not explain how the column Coulter submitted differed from her usual columns. Gallagher repeated his assertion that the differences that precluded publication of the column were not based on silencing Coulter but “simply on editorial differences.”

“The staff of USA Today was familiar with Coulter’s writings.”

Sure they were. It sounds to me as if the staff was familiar with Coulter’s reputation maybe, but were not specifically familiar with her writings. They were sitting around a meeting one afternoon and thought it would be cool to hire a couple of “edgy” writers from opposite ends of the political spectrum. Coulter and Moore came to mind. But, if anyone had actually ever read Coulter’s work they would have known they were dealing with a woman whose “caustic wit” has long since melted into an acid bath of character assasination and bizarre eliminationist fantasy. Her next stop is a job writing for white supremecist web sites.

This is what drives me and others nuts about the mainstream media. They are so obviously out of touch with what’s going on in political discourse outside of the official channels. Ann Coulter believes that liberals/Democrats are sub-human — untermenschen. This is not a secret. She makes a very good living entertaining her fans on the right by vividly painting Democrats as not just misguided and wrong, but as dirty, ugly and evil. It’s her stock in trade.

This column was typical, as her regular employer, a right wing rag, readily admits. That USA Today didn’t know this about the most famous right wing smear artist in America says more about USA Today than it does about Ann Coulter.

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