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The General has a scoop on Secret Agent Man and freelance prison warden, Keith Idema.

This is the shocker:

Well, the one identified as Jonathan Idema, appears to be “Jonathan “Keith” Idema,” a fine patriotic paintball enthusiast, former Green Beret, ex-con, “father” of a someday-to-be-cloned dog (I’m not making any of this up), a “civilian” military advisor to the Northern Alliance and the “finder” of all those Al Qaeda videotapes liberated from an Afghan house awhile back.

Yes, this is the patriot who provided one of the greatest intelligence successes of the Afghan War, or at least one of the greatest public relations successes of the war–remember, under Our Leader, perception is at least as, if not more, important than reality. Of course, our government has to distance itself from him now, but there’s little doubt that he served as a CIA contractor in the early stages of the war–It was a CIA operation.

Not that he was really working for the CIA or anything, but if he was, (hypothetically mind you) would hanging Afghans upside down by their feet be considered the equivalent of pain on the scale of organ failure? I don’t think so. No harm no foul.

Read the rest of the General’s post for more. This is war planned by the Farrelly Brothers.

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