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Magically Delicious

If anyone hasn’t seen this utterly humiliating interview between the spoiled little Brat King and Carole Coleman of RTE, here it is. You might want to have a nice soothing glass of fine Irish Whiskey in your hand (I know it’s early — haven’t you ever heard of an Irish Coffee?) for the moments when you need a stiff belt to calm yourself when you realize that this major league fuckhead represents you around the world — and also to toast Ms Coleman for trying to get Bubbleboy to actually answer a question instead of ramble on with some nonsensical blather about freedom and compassion. His Highness doesn’t like his incomprehensible gibberish questioned. (And for every time she pisses off the prickly little moron for absolutely no reason, have another.)

It makes you proud to be an American, it does, to see our president act like a fucking, goddamned asshole on international TV. He is rude, thickheaded and childish, insisting that he be allowed to blather his incoherent and totally irrelevant talking points to eat up the clock and then getting mad when the reporter tries to get him to focus on the actual question asked.

Needless to say, they’ve retaliated for her misbehavior. Via Atrios I see that she has been punished. Our big strong decisive leader is nothing but a pussy.

If anyone would like to let the powers that be know how grateful we are for the heroic journalism practised by Irish television and Carole Coleman, my new idol, here is the e-mail address:

You have to let journalists know when you appreciate their bravery in the face of the bullying White House.

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