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Big Time Meltdown

Why is Cheney losing it? And it’s quite clear that he is. For anyone who missed the interview with Gloria Borger, you really have to witness how agitated and nervous he is to appreciate how close to the edge he’s walking these days. Overspun has the clip if you missed it (from the Daily Show — a joy in itself.) He either just downed a quad espresso or there is something wrong with him.

And, of course, there’s the now famous “fuck yourself” to Pat Leahy just yesterday.

So, what’s going on with Big Time? Anybody have a guess? There are so many crimes and dirty tricks he could charged with at any moment, it’s hard to narrow it down.

Here are a couple of ideas. The first is the remote possibility that somebody’s put a bug in Lil’ Crusader Codpiece’s ear saying that Big Time is the reason for all his troubles. (And I don’t think it was Joe Biden.) Junior has a nasty temper.

Another possibility is that the Plame investigation is scorching his backside. He was questioned back on June 6, but it had to make him frantic to think that Dim Son was left alone with a smart prosecutor for over an hour yesterday. You can see why he’d be nervous.

Of course, he seemed awfully testy about Halliburton…

And there’s the torture and mayhem stuff…

Outright lies about Iraq…

A glimpse of Lynn from the back…

Any of those things could have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Update: Attaturk has a most disturbing theory….

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