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Don’t Make Trouble

At a time when almost everything I read pisses me off, this really sent me into orbit:

Charles Pierce:

“Concern has started drifting in like a cold, noxious cloud over the past couple of weeks. There seems to be a storyline hardening among the Heathers that ‘we’ are really getting along just fine, and that all the obvious emotion of this political year is merely sound and fury — good title for a book, by the way — ginned up by our political elites, that ‘Bush-hating’ is out of control, and that the ‘center’ is reasserting itself, and so is ‘civility.’ An implicit track here is that, you know, maybe, it isn’t such a good time to consider changing our current Strong Leadership.

You can see it in the reaction to Michael Moore’s movie, in the immensely silly Michael Barone column comparing this election to the one in 1864 (and, therein, C-Plus Augustus to Abraham Lincoln), and in the amazing performance of Aaron Brown Thursday night on CNN, when he cited a new Pew poll in which 57 percent of Americans think things are going well in Iraq — Oy! –and that Bush had edged slightly ahead of John Kerry for the moment. ‘And, if you check the electoral map, you’ll see he’s doing a little better than that,’ Brown concluded.

It wasn’t so much what he said, but how he said it. An unmistakable tone of reassurance. That we maybe don’t have to bother ourselves with the unruly business of self-government, especially those parts where people, you know, yell at each other. I fear that Kerry’s people may be buying this nonsense, too.

The problem with this, other than the obvious one of ‘It’s June, and who the f**k is Aaron Brown, anyway?’ is is that it leaves the “center” pushed way over on the right, and it consolidates the gains made by 25 years of rightist incivility. It began with those NCPAC campaigns run by that vicious closet-case Terry Dolan, proceeded through Lee Atwater and his lycanthropic brood (Hey, Karl!), and has emerged with renewed vigor already this year, and will continue to do so regardless of whether the Democratic party decides to play nice or not. This also, of course, was abetted by the endless herd of think-tank cowboys, endowment commandos, and honorarium-fattened hyenas that foul the national discourse, and also by a subculture of both actual and rhetorical violence — the stuff that’s limned bravely by David Neiwert here, in an invaluable post that takes Tucker Carlson down in the bargain.

All this concern erupted when the left started hitting back a little, and developing institutions and vehicles through which to do it. Well, for the moment, f**k civility. The center cannot be allowed to remain where it is. It has to be shoved back and shoved back hard. And if that means calling out ABC for criticizing Michael Moore’s methodology while continuing to employ –nay, PROMOTE — a corporate fabulist like John Stossel up through its news division, or if it means striking back at the people who go on television with their perpetual wounded victimhood and call people “Nazis,” well, I’m sorry, Aaron, that’s just the way politics is going to have to be for a while. Take a pill and go sit in a dark room until the vapors pass.”

Yes, yes, yes.

I can see what he’s talking about. The little sighs of “children, children” when Democrats get a little bit too uppity and turn the browbeating into a contest. The constant “reassurance” — telling us not to worry, the republic is safe, no need to get excited, everything will be ok. They did this during the Florida recount, led docilely by GOP operatives who put little bugs in their ears about saving the country from civil war. Then the likes of Aaron Brown and Brian Williams, the synchronized swimmers of media Olympians, immediately adopted stentorian tones and began to seriously calm the nation — most citizens of which were barely above comatose, thinking the recount was a really, really boring episode of The Real World with old, ugly people. The effect was, not surprisingly, to shut down protest against what was obviously an illegal and undemocratic power grab.

Now, in the middle of a war and a hard fought presidential campaign, the Heathers think it’s time to stop shouting. How fucking convenient. Once again we see the press being fed pure political propaganda (and you can bet this “restoring civility” notion comes right out of Rove’s shop) and not even knowing — or caring — that they’re doing it.

What the media is really saying, on behalf of the GOP, is that we liberals should should be the punch line of a very old joke: “Two Jews are lined up against a wall to be shot. When one asks for a blindfold and a last cigarette, the other whispers to him, “Don’t make trouble.”

Fuggedaboudit. Aside from the obvious point that Pierce makes about capitulating at the zenith of right wing power so as to make the center of American politics somewhere to the right of the Third Reich for the next generation, we just have to be prepared for all out political war and we are going to have to be brave enough to take the heat. That goes whether Kerry wins or not — in fact, it goes especially if Kerry wins.

Joe Conason points out today in Salon that the Clinton hating industry is already cranking up its machinery against JK. Indeed, I would imagine that a whole lot of these folks are actually hoping for a Kerry victory. They are, by nature, more comfortable being back bench fire breathers than real leaders with real responsibilities. They tend to implode whenever asked to actually govern. (see: Gingrich, Newt and Bush, Junior.) But, let’s not forget the huge sums of money these character assassins made during the glory days. I have no doubt that they are betting on a Kerry win as their ticket back into the big time. Defending the Empty Codpiece is not nearly as profitable.

And, once again the mediawhores are on pace to help them in any way they can. Right now, all it takes is for them to adopt the “shrill” line against anybody who opposes Bush in anything but the most respectful terms and we have the conditions for them to trivialize the election one more time. Hopefully, the fact that thousands upon thousands of human beings lost their lives in this little foray into republican governance will draw them up short and prevent another round of “I love you long time, GOP source.”

But, I doubt it.

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