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Spin Out

Commenter Ras_Nesta alerted me to some rather testy exchanges in this morning’s gaggle.

Q Scott, you said there is a misperception of what the commission said on ties to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, let me ask you this, did this administration commit any mistakes? Are you — in other words, are you considered a perfect government?

MR. McCLELLAN: I’m sorry? Do you consider what?

Q A perfect government. I mean you are not accepting any —

MR. McCLELLAN: You’re talking about the government in Iraq?

Q No, this government — the government of President George W. Bush.

Q You’re perfect.

MR. McCLELLAN: I’m sure that there are mistakes that are made, but talking about Iraq and talking about the economy and those decisions, those policy decisions were the right decisions. Let’s go to those issues. Just a general question about any mistakes —

Q As we’re talking about Iraq —

MR. McCLELLAN: The decision to go into Iraq was the right decision. We stand firmly behind it because it made the world a safer and better place, and it’s going to make America more secure.

Q You probably don’t see the headlines around the world today —

MR. McCLELLAN: If you have a specific — if you have a specific question, I’m glad to address it.

Q But you don’t think the commission is right with its conclusion about there is any — any ties between terrorism, al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, they talked about — they talked about the ties. They talked about the contacts between al Qaeda and the regime in Iraq. And they pointed out some of those high-level contacts that occurred. We pointed out some of those high-level contacts that occurred through Secretary Powell, and through Director Tenet. It’s perfectly consistent.

Q Scott, I’ve got a specific question. Who are the doom and gloomers to whom you are referring here on the economy? And by name?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think you hear from them. You know exactly who they are. They’re those who try to talk down the economy when the economy is moving in the right direction. We have overcome significant challenges over the last few years. And the economy is shifting into a higher gear.

Q We’ve already heard you say that. But I’m just wondering, you and your associates sitting over here like to lecture us about, who are you referring to when you mention critics or observers or whatever, so we’re asking you: Who are these pessimists?

MR. McCLELLAN: Peter —

Q I’m talking specifics. What are specific names?

MR. McCLELLAN: And, Peter, these people are well known. All you have to go is go and look and read the paper, or watch the news.

Q Well, give us a name here, Scott.

Does anyone know who Peter is? I’d like to buy the man a drink.

Flounder (as Susan calls him) went on to repeat the new mantra:

R. McCLELLAN: The President is going to continue to talk about his optimistic, positive vision for this country and how we can build upon the policies that we have implemented to get our economy growing stronger. Our economy is growing stronger every day. New jobs are being created. This administration acted decisively to get our economy out of a recession and get it growing stronger. And all you have to do is look at the news, and you’ll see who those individuals are.

Don’t worry, be happy.

Is this is some lameass, obvious, “morning in America” bullshit, or what? The best they can come up with is some warmed over 20 year old bullshit from a dead man and it isn’t even half true. Why not “chicken in every pot,” it’s more fitting.

An entire week of wall to wall slurpy Republican soul kissing and the best Bush could pull out of it was a 3 point bounce? Let’s not kid ourselves, it may be 1984 again, but it’s Orwell’s version this time, not Ronnie’s.

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