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Beat Me Hurt Me

Let’s see here. Do you want to run the table, or do you want to go eat lunch?

Hold on a second, I’ll get you in a minute, please. A little patience in front of the President here.

How many questions? One question apiece. If we’re going to stand out here in 100-degree temperature, let’s just have one question.

You can pass your question on to some other person, and I might call on them. I’m not so sure I’m going to be so international this press conference. (Laughter.) The first question was about am I concerned about economic vitality? I’m pleased with — what?

Go ahead, Terry. No, you’ve asked your question. Terry. Hold on for a second. Terry. Thank you, though

Which question do you want me to answer?

Q:Well, I think they’re related; both —

No, they’re not — (laughter.)

Q Please, I’ll say, please.

Look, it’s very hot out here, we’ve got a President from a — a respectful President here. Why don’t you just ask one question, i f you don’t mind? I don’t mean to be telling you how to do your business. All right, I’ll answer both. (Laughter.)

The second part was what? I forgot. It was so long ago that you asked it —

Q I know, I apologize, I was long-winded.

Okay, a couple more questions. Yes. Let me work my way through the TV readers.

Which one, you or Sanger?

I’m getting distracted over here, there seems to be some noise.

And then the naked emperor snapped his towel one more time at the cowering press corps and walked away as they all sang, “thank you sir, may I have another,” in unison.

He was very clear on one thing. Between bouts of showing the press whose bitch they are, he repeatedly assured them that he’s a leader who leading and the American people know he’s leading because he’s led. And, he’s leading us in the fight against darkness and hatred by killing the terrorists on their own turf and then defeating the forces of evil wherever it may be, god-bless-us-everyone.

First, it’s in our interests that we defeat terrorists there than fight them here. That’s our short-term security interest.

Secondly, it’s in our long-term interests that we work for free societies in parts of the world that are desperate for freedom. And the reason I keep saying that, Wendell, is because I know that a free society is a peaceful society. And America is interested in working with friends to promote the peace. And that’s what we’re doing. The short-term solution for our security problem is to find the terrorists and bring them to justice before they hurt Americans again; is to deny them training bases; is to deny them affiliates and allies in the war on terror. That’s what we have done in Afghanistan and Iraq. The long-term solution is to promote free societies that are able to defeat the forces of pessimism, darkness, intolerance and hatred.

And then he went into his office and defeated the forces of pessimism by ordering up some torture of Afghan cab drivers right after he shined the light of freedom on the Geneva Conventions and declared them dead. After lunch he planned to end intolerance and hatred by holding thousands of innocent Iraqis in unlimited detention. He is the president of a free society, after all. He can legally set aside any laws he deems … unfree.

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