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The Abu Ghraib Scandal Cover-Up?:

Strong Leadership

…the White House seems to be constructing a legal moat around the president. Its argument is that Bush’s orders were simply disobeyed. Rice told the human-rights lawyers last week that the president’s clear directives on observing the Geneva Conventions and anti-torture laws were not followed

Ministry Of Fear

Defense Under Secretary Douglas Feith, who is in charge of setting policy on prisoners and detainees in occupied Iraq, has banned any discussion of the still-classified report on Abu Ghraib written by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, which has circulated around the world. Shortly after the Taguba report leaked in early May, Feith subordinates sent an “urgent” e-mail around the Pentagon warning officials not to read the report, even though it was on Fox News. In the e-mail, a copy of which was obtained by NEWSWEEK, officials in Feith’s office warn that the leak is being investigated for “criminal prosecution” and that no one should mention the Taguba report to anybody, even to family members. Feith has turned his office into a “ministry of fear,” says one military lawyer. A spokesman for Feith, Maj. Paul Swiergosz, says the e-mail warning was intended to prevent employees from downloading a classified report onto unclassified computers.

Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for

Under pressure

That burns a building down

Splits a family in two

Puts people on streets

That’s o-kay!

It’s the terror of knowing

What this world is about

Watching some good friends

Screaming let me out!

Pray tomorrow takes me higher

Pressure on people

People on streets

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