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When You’re Wrong, You’re Wrong

Tristero’s in fine form today. Read it all. He takes on the blogospheric navel gazing about whether the war was a good idea but badly executed or whether it was just a bad idea. He’s not in the mood to take a bunch of idealistic hawks’ discredited views seriously any longer.

I especially like this:

A “great” foreign policy, like a “great” Christianity, can never depend on evangelism. You simply must strive to embody greatness in your own country (and in your soul). You can’t ram greatness down someone’s throat because, by definition then, it can’t be that great.

He seems think you can’t create a democracy by invading a country, putting a gun to the people’s heads and telling them to be free or else. How odd.

Why, that’s like telling a would-be suitor that he can’t make the girl love him by throwing her to the ground and screaming “you WILL love me!” in her face.

That always works. Women love it. What’s he going on about?

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