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Boo Fucking Hoo

Media Matters reports that the poor lil’ thin skinned bullyboy doesn’t like being monitored.

From Monday’s show:

[Feminazi] Limbaugh on prisoners getting “a taste of [their] own medicine”

CALLER: When I saw those pictures — the Iraqi supposedly torture pictures — I felt no shame. The only thing I could think is, they’re getting a little taste of their own medicine, and those Iraqi women must be cheering.

LIMBAUGH: Made that point last week, but it didn’t go over well with Rush Monitors. I did — that’s — made that point. That point has not been quoted. I said, you know, this might not be bad — oh, it’s gonna happen again — I said, if you look at the role Iraq — Arab men make their women play — the roles they play, the roles they have to live — to, to, to make American prison guards females and to give those women utter power over Arab men — some might call that torture, some might call that decent punishment, some might say here’s a taste of your own medicine. This is what you’ve been doing to your women for time immemorial, only now the tables are turned. But all that’s been lost because [with a slight lisp] “This is horrible. This is, this is disgusting. This is outrageous. This is mean.”

Limbaugh on Democrats and the media

I’m gonna submit here — and I don’t care who quotes me on this, and I don’t care where they repeat it — there’s a lot of acting going on here, and there’s a lot of false phony concern for these Iraqi detainees. This is not about people genuinely outraged about this. …

The Democrats and the media don’t give a rat’s rear end about what happened to those prisoners. All this is, is the latest weapon they can use politically to harm Bush, which is why they’re trying to harm me, in fact. It’s all political. They don’t give a hoot about those prisoners. …

Limbaugh on Media Matters for America’s monitoring

You know, isn’t it interesting folks, I’ve been around here for fifteen and a half years. I’ve never been so often quoted on a single story. I think what happens is that the media has come across a new website that’s supposedly chronicling what I say, and they all go there and they read it and they see and then they take the propaganda of that website and repackage it and call it news. And they leave the context of my remarks out. For example, nowhere where I’ve been quoted have I been quoted as saying that I think what happened there is not good. I don’t support it, and I don’t encourage more of it. I have not said that — or I have said that, they’ve not quoted me on that. There’s a number of things that they’ve left out, uh, most of it context. Uh, but it’s just, it’s amazing, all these years they could just tune in to my show and listen, but no, that’s too tough. But now there’s just a central clearinghouse for out-of-context quotes from this program. They can go there and present as news, even though it’s just repackaged propaganda.

Imagine that. Rush says he’s being quoted out of context with repackaged propaganda when his words are repeated verbatim. He says that nobody is quoting all the stuff where he condemns the torture. All they do is report stuff like this, taken from the same show yesterday:

Limbaugh on sincerity of public outrage

How many of you went out to social occasions over the weekend and this subject, this story came up? And how many of you wanted to really say, “I don’t see the big deal here. This is war. These are people who tried to kill Americans.” But you didn’t say it or some variation of that because you were afraid because you were with a bunch of people who were start yelling at you that you for being insensitive or coarse or crude or whatever, so you said what you thought you had to say in order to get along during a controversial situation if this conversation came up wherever you were.

How many of you did that? How many of you did that? Admit it to yourself you don’t have to raise your hands out there. I’m not, we’re not counting hands out there. I want you to think about it because the fact of the matter is I think that’s what most people are doing. I think most peo –that’s where my optimism and faith in the people of this country remains steadfast. I don’t think most people are that outraged by this. I don’t thi — let’s put it this way, I don’t think the public outrage nowhere near matches what we watched on television on Friday and yesterday exhibited by these holier than thou sanctimonious elected officials who are themselves acting and saying what they think you their voters want them to say and what you their voters expect to hear. …

Folks, somebody asks what you think of this prisoner thing, just tell them the truth, and I guarantee you more people you tell the truth will say, “Yeah, I agree with you” than you know…

He’ll be back on the little blue babies soon if people don’t show some compassion and let him off the hook. Rush is not supposed to be called on his outrageous talk. He is supposed to be allowed to brainwash his 20 million dittoheads daily without interference. This is upsetting him.

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