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Winning Formula

Oh my goodness. George Will seems to have rubbed the sleep from his eyes and awakened to the startling notion that the Bushies and the Blairites sound like a bunch of starry-eyed girl scouts singing Kumabaya lately. He says:

This administration be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts. Thinking is not the reiteration of bromides about how “all people yearn to live in freedom” (McClellan). And about how it is “cultural condescension” to doubt that some cultures have the requisite aptitudes for democracy (Bush). And about how it is a “myth” that “our attachment to freedom is a product of our culture” because “ours are not Western values; they are the universal values of the human spirit” (Tony Blair).

His point, of course, is that the Iraqis don’t have the capacity for democracy and that freedom is a product of western culture, which is debatable to say the least. However, the fact that the Bush administration “cannot be trusted to govern because it cannot be counted on to think” is indisputable.

But, George, shit flows downhill. If people of your obvious influence had bothered to protest the Republican Party foisting an obviously unqualified, substandard intellect upon the country instead of continuing to wank furiously over Bill Clinton’s foibles well into the new millenium, we might have been spared this embarrassment.

As it is, George, you are an accomplice. What the hell did you think would happen when you put a man with the mind of 12 year old and the ego of a movie star in charge of the world?

Oh that’s right…

That was your winning formula…

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