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If Those Walls Could Talk

Bush said it was important for him and Cheney to appear together so that commission members could “see our body language… how we work together.”

What kind of body language could possibly give that information? I mean, we all know that the Oval Office has seen some hot action, but somehow the thought of Junior and Unka Dick revealing their work style through their body language brings some very disturbing visions to mind. Does Dubya reach out and grab Cheney’s hand from time to time and give it a little pat? Does Dick rub Junior’s back lovingly during stressful moments? Ruffle his hair? Give his earlobe a little nip?

Maybe so:

“There was some laughter from time to time. The president is a bit of a tease,” Mr Thompson told the Associated Press news agency.

“There were no tense moments. I thought the president gave a five-star performance. I wish the American people could have seen it.”

No thanks. If I wanted to see that I’d just download “Bigtime Dick’s Tease” from Ooohlala Video. Bigger production values.

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