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Bush and Blair Transcript

Q: Mr. President, some of your critics are saying that it’s a political ploy by you to stand firm to this June 30th deadline, especially that you don’t have an Iraqi organization to transfer power over to. What do you say to that? And what organization would you like to see transferred power over to – both of you, if you could answer that?

BUSH: The important thing to know is that if you look into an Iraqi soul you will see someone who doesn’t know what time it is. See, you have to remember these people come from a place where if you cut ‘n run you wind up raped in a grave, gassed and maimed and they can’t forget that so we have to be tough and stay the course. That’s why I will lead a coalition of the willing and I WILL disarm Saddam Hussein.

You have to understand that we don’t know what fear is because we are free. And we love freedom and being free and we want everybody to be free so they can love freedom everywhere where there can be freedom and people can be free. See, that means they’ll have hope. When they think we might cut ‘n run and not stay the course time goes by very slowly because you think there will be maiming and torture and killing and mass graves and gassing and then you won’t know what freedom is because you won’t be free like we are free and everyone else should be free. That’s why we will smoke ’em out o’ their caves, where the evil doers hide in spider holes hating freedom.

We are great countries because we believe that freedom is for everybody not just us so we will make everybody in the world free so the world will be a better place of peace and hope.

We will show these Iraqis that because they have been tortured and maimed and raped and gassed in massive rooms with their own people that what it takes to be civilized is a document we call the TAR. It’s a fantastic historic opportunity for them to learn how to protect tough minorities. I told the Iraqis we are giving them the freedom to be civilized and I meant it.

And the Palestinians have a fantastic opportunity for freedom at this historic moment, too, because they will have a solid foundation of big institutions instead of people just like us. They will live in security measures of peace and freedom. That means folks need to view it as a historic moment so the Palestinian state can live in peace with its neighbors. It’s a moment we’ve got to seize. Because final discussion will become a lot plainer once there’s a peaceful state full of hope and freedom. See, you have to understand that we think it’s possible because possible is what we think it is. If the Palestinians find peace and hope and the neighbors of the Palestinians will support the emergence of hope and peace in a peaceful state of hope it will be a fantastic opportunity to love their neighbors like they’d love to loved themselves.

This is a momentous, historic seizure. But, I don’t want to put words in the Prime Minister’s mouth:

BLAIR: Fuck. me.

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