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Faux Outrage For Dummies

The incomparable Sommerby discusses the piece of RNC propaganda posing as news on the front page of the NY Times this morning. Jim Rutenberg dutifully parrots the painfully obvious Gillespin that the Democratic 9/11 commissioners (particularly Ben-Veniste) are blind partisans who are all over the television promoting themselves at the expense of truth, God and the American Way. This talking point was ALL over GOPTV yersterday, bursting forth from the mouths of every Bush shill from Tuckie Carlson to Brit Hume. In fact, I haven’t seen a case of such perfect conformity since the Taiwanese synchronized swim team got a perfect 10.

It so happens I was listening to my local NPR station on the freeway last night when I heard none other than Thomas Kean, Republican commision chairman, saying that the commission was encouraging the commissioners to give intereviews in the interest of openness. Even in the Times article he’s quoted saying:

“We made a conscious decision, and part of it was under strong pressure from the families, to make this commission as transparent and as visible as possible.”

I guess Cheney’s stooges forgot to tell Tommy that he was supposed to keep a lid on the bad news. Let’s hope Fredo doesn’t find out.

Sommerby points out the obvious fact that Ruttenberg doesn’t name any actual Democrats complaining about this openness (although they certainly could — John Lehman is all over the place, too.) He says they are, but can’t seem to quote one on or off the record. Maybe Zell’s trying to keep a lower profile these days. But, the fact is that this is step two in the coordinated GOP effort to discredit the 9/11 committee and anyone with half a brain can spot it a mile away. (Gingerly trashing the widows was step one.)

I’m of the opinion that the single most partisan act of the commission hearings came from the Attorney General of the United States when he appeared before them and testified as if he were a political hatchet man for Dick Nixon. Now that was a little bit unseemly, in my book. (And in Gary Hart’s book too.) But, apparently Jim Rutenberg loves those red kool-aid kamikazes they’re serving up down at RNC headquarters so much that he can’t help but grab Karl Rove’s dictation and yank for all he’s worth.

The NY Times is playing its useful idiot role once again. To use one of Karen Hughes’s favorite words, I’m sure the Republicans find that “comforting.”

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