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Nice Try

So Wolfie said just now that Krugman was wrong when he called him “willing to be used” in his column today in which he quoted Wolf as saying on the air:

“…wants to make a few bucks, and that [in] his own personal life, they’re also suggesting that there are some weird aspects in his life as well.”

I warned you

Wolfie claims that he was talking about these comments by Jim Wilkinson a few days before and showed footage of him saying:

…Let me also point something. If you look in this book you find interesting things such as reported in the “Washington Post” this morning. He’s talking about how he sits back and visualizes chanting by bin Laden and bin Laden has a mystical mind control over U.S. officials. This is sort of “X-Files” stuff, and this is a man in charge of terrorism, Wolf, who is supposed to be focused on it and he was focused on meetings.

C’mon, Wolf. You can do better than this. Wilkinson was talking shit allright (not that you mentioned it at the time, of course) but he didn’t say a thing about his “personal life” or any “weird aspects in his life.”

We all know what trash you were peddling, you cheap trollop. You are just lucky that you were talking to John King instead of one of the Botox Barbies or we would have undoubtedly been treated to a gossipy GOP spoon fed bitch fest, which was obviously premature. You’re supposed to wait until Drudge or The Sun runs it so you can call it “out there” and claim you had no choice. You know that.

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