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Attack Dogs Go Rabid

“By invading Iraq the President has greatly undermined the war on terrorism.”

Well, it doesn’t get any more stark than that. When he said it, you could hear a pin drop in the hearing room. Reminded me of when I was just a pup listening to the Watergate hearings and John Dean uttered his famous “cancer on the presidency” line. (Fred Fielding and Richard Ben-Veniste were even there.)

Wolf Blitzer thinks, however, that the FOXNEWS “backrounder” released by the White House totally undermines Clarke’s case and Peter Bergen agrees. He says that some of the stuff about Iraq might still be worth thinking about, but well…Clarke’s pretty much a lying piece of shit.

When asked in the hearings about whether it was moral to put the best face on an administration you work for when briefing the press, Clark said:

“I don’t think it’s a question of morality at all. I think it’s a question of politics.” [big applause]

That, as we know, is total crap. The Bush administration has always been scrupulously honest with the press in every conceivable way and never, ever would have required that any of its members not tell the press every single problem they had within the administration. Politics is a dirty word to republicans. It’s all about honor and integrity.

Now, Wolf reports that the administration is claiming Clarke has “problems” in his personal life, although they don’t say what those things might be. Check Drudge frequently. The real shit is about to start flying.

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