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Beat Me, Hurt Me

Schwarzenegger, Gray Davis to appear jointly on ‘Tonight Show’

Is there anyone out there who believes that even one Republican would support Davis if the shoe were on the other foot? Jayzuz, will we ever learn?

Empowering Schwarzenneger like this is a recipe for disaster for California Democrats. As I wrote on American Street, he is hugely popular and is going to put every bit of his popularity on the line for George W. Bush. I’m not saying it will work, but he can guarantee that Kerry is going to have to spend money and time in super expensive California, which he should not have to do.

Boxer, Feinstein and even John Burton are giving Arnold big slurpy BJ’s and lending support to these two propositions as if they were sacred texts from Mt Sinai. It’s ridiculous. These propositions are band aids at best and simple GOP propaganda at worst. They are not going to solve the budget crisis but they are certainly going to cement the dominance of the Cult of Arnold in the electorate.

The Republicans always fight, even when they don’t have to. We, on the other hand, say “thank you sir, may I have another.” We have given up the moral high ground on the undemocratic recall travesty and are actively empowering the cyborg they used to seize power. It’s pathetic.

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